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Digital Marketing Institute

Why Digital Marketing Institute?

数字营销研究所(DMI)已与西北合作,提供其最需要的, globally recognized digital marketing courses. DMI是数字营销行业的全球认证和专业机构,拥有190多个会员,000 members. DMI works with the industry leader, including Google, Facebook and LinkedIn, among others, 以最高标准验证和更新课程, 制定数字营销教育和认证的全球标准. 所以,你可以看到为什么西北航空公司与他们合作,提供数字营销证书.


Members trust DMI to progress their career. 68%的DMI毕业生表示,该课程帮助他们获得了晋升. 62%的人表示,证书是他们加薪的原因. 38%的人获得了数字营销的新职位或改变了职业道路.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is this dual certificate?

本课程包括大约30小时的课程内容. You have up to 24 weeks to complete the course, 你可以随时随地访问课程内容. 平均完成时间在8到10周之间.

How is the dual certificate assessed?

The assessment is one three-hour exam. 这些考试由全国网赌正规平台的测试合作伙伴Person Vue通过其全球测试中心网络进行管理. The exam is split into three sections. 考生需要达到至少60%才能通过考试. Your examination fee is included in the price, 但由于尝试失败而导致的后续重新考试将在您预订再次考试时直接向Person Vue支付费用.

Does the course have payment plans?

Not at this time.

Where will my qualification be recognized?

DMI的数字营销认证是全球公认的. DMI在超过135个国家提供在线数字技能培训课程. 完成本课程后,您将以一个证书的价格获得两个证书! 你不仅会收到来自DMI的认证数字营销专家, 你还可以获得由美国营销协会(AMA)颁发的PCM专业数字营销专家. Both are internationally recognized. Stand out with dual certification.

What will my learning outcomes be?


  • Understand key digital concepts, 它如何改变了客户行为,对你的角色和更广泛的业务有何影响.
  • 通过理解如何设计来实现业务目标, 实施和衡量吸引和转化的数字活动.
  • 了解数字营销策略的重要性,知道如何使用SEO在线和离线, social media marketing, paid search (Google Ads – PPC), content, 通过广告和电子邮件推动客户参与.




入学日期从每月1日开始. 然而,全国网赌正规平台提供即时课程访问,让您立即开始. For example, if you purchase your course on Dec. 22, your enrollment date would be Jan. 1.


全国网赌正规平台的课程是自我指导的,并通过DMI的尖端平台MyDMI在线交付. 每门课程还通过实时网络研讨会提供互动内容, community forums, tutor support and more.

Do I qualify for grant opportunities?


  • WIOA -如果你失业或者你的家庭收入低于联邦贫困线的250%, then you may qualify for WIOA funds. Contact your local Missouri Job Center to see if you qualify.
  • KC Scholars, Great Jobs KC – If you currently make less than $45,000 a year AND you live in one of the following 6 counties – (Kansas: Johnson and Wyandotte Counties; Missouri: Cass, Clay, Jackson and Platte Counties), you may qualify for KC Scholars. Visit KC Scholars 了解更多信息或申请这个机会.
Contact Us About Digital Marketing

Contact Us About Digital Marketing

Rebecca Lobina
Continuing Proessional Education Director