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Northwest Missouri State Scholarships

University Wide Study Abroad Scholarships

Farrell/Uitvlugt Study Abroad Scholarship

Farrell/Uitvlugt supports Northwest students from any discipline studying abroad for a full semester abroad. Applicants shall be enrolled full-time in a university sponsored study abroad program and shall have maintained a GPA of 2.5

College of Arts and Sciences Study Abroad Scholarships

Study Abroad Scholarships

The College of Arts & Sciences Study Abroad Scholarship majors studying abroad for the fall semester. 申请人必须是全日制在读学生,主修文理学院的一门学科,并计划通过双边交流项目(ISEP-Exchange)参加秋季学期, ASIA, Europe Exchange, or Magellan Exchange). Summer only programs or faculty led participants are not eligible. 

Melvin D. & Valorie G. Booth School of Business

J.D. Hammond Family Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to individuals who are full time undergraduate student taking a minimum of 12 hours both spring and fall.  Students must also have declared business as their major and have outstanding achievement in the classroom.  Students who are awarded this scholarship must have the need for financial assistance to complete the study abroad program.  The scholarship shall be used to offset overseas 与大学安排的任何国际商业学习项目相关的费用,被认为是收件人学术项目的一部分.

Booth School of Business Scholarship

This scholarship is only offered to full-time students who are in their sophomore, junior, or senior years.  The awarded student must have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA. Both academic achievement and financial needs are leading criteria for the awarded student. 所有申请人必须向遴选委员会提交一篇至少500字的论文,说明他们选择出国留学的原因,以及他们希望这段经历如何提高他们的学位课程.

School of Education

The Martha Faye (Fouts) Woollums Scholarship for International Student Teaching

Students must complete a minimum of six semester hours of pre-approved coursework during the experience, the maximum length of support for any single student in a given year shall be one semester, specific plans on how the experience and support shall benefit the student, their home learning environment, as well as the School of Education shall be included in all successful applications. Students must also have a minimum GPA of 2.75. The site and specific coursework shall be approved prior to receiving the award.  While abroad, the student shall promote a greater understanding for American (western) culture, as well as seek to understand how non-Americans view the U.S. specifically its educational system and opportunities.  申请奖学金的学生必须提交一份国际沉浸式学习经历的计划,由奖学金评选委员会审查和批准.  Said plan shall at minimum include the following information: a brief statement of purpose or reasoning for scholarship consideration, a listing of personal and professional goals or outcomes desired by the applicant s a result of this support, 描述申请人打算如何分享“家庭学习环境”的经验,以及他们打算如何与教育学院的成员分享他们的经验.  As part of the application package, the following should also be included:  the specific place of study, the specific courses to be studied (which will include a minimum of 6 semester hours of credit.  鼓励与当地文化或教学实践相关的专业项目或课程)以及联系人(国内外)和/或机构, an anticipated timetable of the experience.  It is expected that each scholarship recipient shall document their experience (examples include: personal or professional journal, photos or videos, artifact collection, specific action research, best practice comparison, cultural experience white papers, policy development, ITV, personal web page, etc) and share it with others upon their return. 

The Donald D. and Ann Beeson Study Abroad Scholarship

Applicants shall be classified as full-time juniors or seniors having declared a major in Middle School or Secondary Education areas. First preference shall be given to a student who has submitted an application for an international student teaching placement. 如果没有符合条件的申请者,奖学金可以颁发给初中或高中或中等教育专业. Academic achievement and financial need are the leading criteria for the selection.

The Heckman Family Study Abroad Scholarship

Applicants shall be full-time juniors or seniors with a declared major in a any content area within Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Middle School Education or Secondary Education. First preference for this award will be given to a student who has submitted an application for International student teaching. Second preference shall be given to a student who is studying abroad. Academic achievement and financial need are the leading criteria for this selection. 

U.S. Department of State Scholarships

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

This scholarship provides awards for U.S. 在两年制或四年制学院或大学接受联邦佩尔助学金的本科生参加世界各地的留学项目. Must be studying abroad in the fall, spring, or academic year. Not available for summer only programs.

For more information, visit Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program.

Boren Scholarship


  • Undergraduate student matriculated in U.S. college or university
  • Planning to study abroad in an eligible world region
  • U.S. citizen

Funding up to:

  • $20,000 for a full academic year
  • $10,000 per semester
  • $8,000 for Summer (8+ weeks)


  • January - February
  • Contact Dr. Chloupek for specific details

For more information:

For more information, contact:

Dr. Brett Chloupek
Assistant Professor of Geography
1343 Garrett-Strong

ISEP Scholarships

Annette Kade Scholarships for Study in France and Germany

These scholarships are for students wishing to pursue study at one of the German or French ISEP member institutions. Grants will be awarded to U.S. ISEP academic year and semester participants in order to encourage students with a genuine interest in study abroad, who do not have sufficient financial resources, to apply for a placement in France or Germany. The award criteria for the scholarships include academic background, desire to improve language ability, and genuine financial need.

For more information, visit ISEP French and German Language Annette Kade Fund Scholarship.

  • Requirements: Must be a U.S. ISEP nominee for France or Germany and be able to demonstrate financial need.
  • Deadline: October 1st.

Massey University Scholarship

These scholarships will be awarded to ISEP Direct 以鼓励有兴趣出国留学的学生申请新西兰梅西大学的ISEP直接项目. The award criteria for the scholarships include academic background, desire to study abroad, and genuine financial need.

For more information, visit Massey University Scholarship .

  • Requirements: Must be an ISEP Direct nominee for New Zealand. Only students planning to study a full year or a semester in New Zealand. 
  • Deadlines: for the Fall semester (NZ Spring semester) should be submitted to ISEP by May 1st, and recipients will be notified by mid-May. Nominations for the Spring semester (NZ Fall semester) should be submitted to ISEP by November 1st, and recipients will be notified by mid-November.

STA Travel Scholarships

ISEP学生的家乡大学在美国,每学年可获得两笔500美元的STA旅游奖学金,用于从美国到项目目的地的往返旅行 .

  • Requirements: Contact STA Travel to purchase your ticket using one of the following methods: 1.866.557.8529 or Identify yourself as an ISEP student. Your name will automatically be entered into the drawing for the Travel Scholarship.
  • Deadlines: August 1st and December 15th

International Graduate Scholarships

Rotary Global Grants

Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus. Grant sponsors form international partnerships that respond to real community needs. For more information, visit Rotary Global Grants.

Marshall Scholarship

Campus Deadline: September 15th (Interviews 15th-30th)

Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the United Kingdom. Up to forty Scholars are selected each year to study at graduate level at an UK institution in any field of study. For more information, visit Marshall Scholarships.

The Rhodes Scholarship

Campus Deadline: September 15th (Interviews 15th-30th)

The Rhodes Scholarships are the oldest and most celebrated international fellowship awards in the world. Each year 32 young Americans are selected as Rhodes Scholars, through a decentralized process representing the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Applicants from more than 300 American colleges and universities have been selected as Rhodes Scholars. In most years, even after a century of competition, a Rhodes Scholar is selected from an institution which has not formerly supplied a successful applicant. For more information, visit Oxford and the Rhodes Scholarships.

Dr. Brian Hesse

For more information, contact:

Dr. Brian Hesse
61 Valk

Fulbright U.S. Student Program

Campus Deadline: September 15th (Interviews 15th-30th)

The Fulbright Program, the U.S. Government’s flagship international exchange program, is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. The Fulbright Program provides participants—chosen for their academic merit and leadership potential — with the opportunity to study, teach and conduct research, exchange ideas and contribute to finding solutions to shared international concerns.

Fulbright ETA Program

An element of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, is sponsored and managed by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), U.S. Department of State. 富布赖特埃塔项目通过在小学/中学提供以英语为母语的人员,促进美国人民与其他国家人民之间的相互了解, universities, teacher training institutions, culture/language centers, or vocational schools. Fulbright ETAs assist in strengthening English language instruction overseas, as well as providing cultural insights in the classroom.

For more information, visit Fulbright U.S. Student Program.

Dr. Elyssa Ford

For more information, contact:

Dr. Elyssa Ford
Assistant Professor of History
Fulbright Program Advisor
Valk 53

Boren Fellowship

The National Security Education Program (NSEP) is designed to build a broader and more qualified pool of U.S. citizens with foreign language and international skills. Established by Congress in 1991, NSEP consists of multiple initiatives, including Boren Scholarships, Boren Fellowships, and the Language Flagship. Boren Scholarships and Fellowships provide funding for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to study the languages and cultures of Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.


  • Matriculated in, or applying to, a U.S. graduate program
  • Planning to study abroad in an eligible world region
  • U.S. citizen


  • $24,000 for overseas study
  • $30,000 for a combination of domestic and overseas study 


  • February 27th 2015

For more information:

For more information, contact:

Dr. Brett Chloupek
Assistant Professor of Geography
1343 Garrett-Strong

Other Financial Aid & Scholarship Opportunities

Fund for Education Abroad

The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) increases opportunities for dedicated American undergraduates to study abroad through the provision of game-changing scholarships.  Applicants may participate in any study abroad program for four weeks or more that adds academic credit towards degree completions. As part of our commitment to increasing access to study abroad for Americans, first-generation college students and minority students in financial need are encouraged to apply.


  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Current enrolled as undergraduate at U.S. university or college
  • Minimum of 4 weeks (28 days) of study in country
  • Studying abroad in summer  (starting May), fall, and/or spring 
  • Program must be eligible for credit

Funding Amounts:

  • Awards up to $10,000
  • For a full list of available scholarship click here.

Application opens: November 15

Application deadline: January 10

International Fellowships

The Fellowships Office 这是为了尽早在他们的大学生涯中发现高能力和高成就的本科生和研究生,并帮助他们发展自己的潜力,成为全国竞争奖学金和奖学金的候选人吗. 全国网赌正规平台的办公室鼓励学生将奖学金和研究与服务和领导结合起来,以便他们在完成学位课程后为有意义的经历做好准备.

Contact email:

ISA Scholarships

This section lists a series of scholarships and grants awarded by ISA to our students each year. Eligibility criteria differ for each award - be sure to carefully read each description. For more information, visit ISA: Funding Your Program.

Host University Scholarships

Many of our university partners generously offer ISA students the opportunity to apply for university-specific scholarships, ISA鼓励学生阅读更多关于奖学金的信息,并考虑在国外这些著名大学学习.

As the scholarships are offered by ISA's host universities, they differ in terms of award amount, eligibility, deadline dates and refund method - be sure to carefully read each description. For more information, visit ISA: Funding Your Program.

Outside Scholarships & Financial Resources

The scholarships listed below are administered by outside entities. Please contact the relevant organization for more information.

  • FastWeb 
    FastWeb has exclusive tools for students to search for college scholarships by their interests. 全国网赌正规平台独特的匹配功能可以让学生在填写个人资料后搜索与他们的教育目标和活动相匹配的大学奖学金. Our easy-to-follow form asks for their educational background, school activities, and what they plan on studying in college. Students have the power to search, find, and apply for college scholarships all on one website!
  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund 
    The Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) is the nation's leading Hispanic scholarship organization, providing the Hispanic community more college scholarships and educational outreach support than any other organization in the country. In 34 years, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund has awarded over 90,000 scholarships to students in need worth over $250M. Two-thirds of these students were the first in their families to go to college.
  • Benjamin Franklin Travel Grant
    A man of the Enlightenment, philosopher and scientist, Benjamin Franklin was also a great diplomat and friend of France. This travel grant is named after him and aims at giving students enrolled in an American University an opportunity to discover France. It is open to sophomore, junior & senior students who are enrolled in a double major including one major in French and one major in another discipline. Consideration will also be given to students enrolled in a minor/certificate in French and majoring in another subject.
  • Bridging Scholarships
    日本桥梁项目教师协会为参加日本留学项目的美国本科生提供奖学金. Funding from private foundations and major U.S. 公司已经使ATJ能够每年颁发100个奖学金,以帮助学生在日本留学一学期或一学年的旅行和生活费用. Undergraduate students majoring in any field of study are eligible to apply for these scholarships. Japanese language study is not a prerequisite. Applicants must be U.S. 美国公民或永久居民,并且必须在出国留学之前和期间在美国的学院或大学注册为本科生.
  • Blakemore Freeman Fellowships for Advanced Asian Language Study 
  • International Scholarship Opportunities 
    The International Scholarship Search is the premier financial aid, college scholarship and international scholarship resource for students wishing to study abroad. At this site, you will find the most comprehensive listing of grants, scholarships, loan programs, and other information to assist college and university students in their pursuit to study abroad.
  • GO! Overseas
    GO! Overseas is proud to support international education through scholarships available to students participating in study abroad programs. Scholarships are awarded each year. The scholarship is awarded based on the creativity and analytical thinking displayed through writing samples and/or video submissions. Our largest scholarship is $1,000.
  • Foundation for Global Scholars
    The Foundation for Global Scholars is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Denver, 科罗拉多大学的使命是通过帮助学生实现他们在世界各地获得文化和学术经验的个人和职业目标,培养全球公民和领导者. 该基金会将通过颁发奖学金来支持这一使命,帮助学生在亚太地区获得国际经验. Students who are from underrepresented populations in international education are a priority.
  • Diversity Abroad
    This website offers a list of a variety of scholarships for minority/low income students as well as a general list for anyone.
    This website provides a list of scholarships specifically for those who wish to study abroad.
  • IIE Passport Study Abroad Funding
    This valuable funding resource allows you to search by country or subject to find the study abroad funding information that you need. Our comprehensive database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and grants can help make your dream of studying abroad a financial possibility and a profound reality.
  • Rotary Global Grants
    Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus. Grant sponsors form international partnerships that respond to real community needs. 

  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)Scholarships are available to highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students for study abroad. For a complete list please see the DAAD’s resources for North America.
  • Gilman Scholarships
    The Gilman Scholarship Program offers awards for undergraduate study abroad. This scholarship provides awards for U.S. 在两年制或四年制学院或大学接受联邦佩尔助学金资助的本科生参加世界各地的学习和/或实习项目. Over 2,300 scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded this academic year by the program. Those who study a Critical Need Language while abroad are eligible to receive additional funding as part of the scholarship program, increasing their award amount by an additional $3,000.
  • Japan Student Services Organization
    Available for qualified international students already accepted by Japanese universities or graduate schools for a semester or year.
  • ThinkSwiss Research Scholarship
    This scholarship program supports highly motivated and qualified U.S. and Canadian undergraduate and graduate students to do research at a public Swiss university or research institute for 2 to 3 months. The scholarship is open to students of all fields.
  • British Council
    The British Council lists funding and scholarship information for study in the United Kingdom. This scholarship is also offered for graduate programs.
  • BUTEX North American Scholarships
    每年向在美国大学注册的学生提供500英镑的奖学金,这些学生将在英国BUTEX成员机构出国留学. (All current ISA UK host universities are members which means all ISA England, Scotland & Northern Ireland students can apply for this scholarship.)
  • Education New Zealand
    Education New Zealand offers US$2,000 Education New Zealand Study Abroad Travel Awards to help students fund flights to New Zealand.
  • Foundation for Global Scholars
    FGS awards US$2,000 scholarships to US citizens for study abroad.

  • Fund for Education Abroad
    Scholarships are offered up to $5,000 per semester and are not limited to specific programs, destinations, or fields of study. FEA awards funds to students planning to study abroad on academically rigorous programs with a strong preference for underrepresented students.
  • Fund for International Service Learning
    Fund for International Service Learning provides scholarships to students enrolled in an international service-learning program. (ISA ELAP programs only)
  • Lord Acton Memorial Scholarship
    One £1,奖学金每年颁发给目前在美国大学注册的学生,这些学生将在AASAP/英国成员机构学习至少一个学期. There is only 1 application deadline for an entire academic year and it usually falls in April. (Currently only the University of Westminster, Queen Mary, University of London, University of Reading and Kingston University are members).
  • New Zealand University Study Abroad Excellence Awards

Go Fund Me

Go Fund Me is personal fundraising website that gives students another way to save up and raise money for their study abroad experience. For more information, visit GoFundMe: Get help with education fundraising.

Study in Germany Scholarships

The scholarships offered in this website are only for students who want to study abroad in Germany.

Honors Program Scholarships

Funding for Study Abroad in Honors Program

Honors students are eligible for special funding to support study abroad travel, internships, and research and other creative work.


Must be in the Honors Program